Social Development
With regard to the issuing of Government Motor Transport (GMT) cars to staff during the fifth administration:
(a) How many of these vehicles were issued to staff members with a rank lower than assistant director (b) for what reasons were vehicles issued to them?
[a] How many of these vehicles were issued to staff members with a rank lower than assistant director:
The department has a fleet of just over 400 vehicles across its Head Office, 6 regions and Care Facilities, which includes vehicles permanently allocated and vehicles “hired” from GMT on an ad-hoc basis to supplement our fleet. The majority [over 80% of these vehicles is used daily by staff on levels lower than that of assistant director, including social workers, community development workers and monitoring and evaluation officials.
[b] for what reasons were vehicles issued to them:
Vehicles are used by staff from a range of units in the department, the majority of which include:
- local office social workers for conducting home visits, attending courts and transporting children entering or already in the alternative care system
- facility personnel for transport of children resident in secure care centres to and from court, medical facilities, specialised services etc.
program staff who monitor funded NGOs and/or perform registrations of NGOs rendering substance abuse treatment, care for people with disabilities, care for older persons, community, and partnership development.