Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
- Whether any councillors are currently being investigated by his Department on charges of corruption, maladministration and/or incapacity; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Whether any action is in place to remedy situations where employees have been found guilty on charges of corruption, maladministration and/or incapacity; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Whether there are any senior public servant section 57 employees at municipal level who are being investigated; if so, what are the relevant details?
(1) The Department has brought it to my attention that there is one case currently being investigated against a Councillor. The allegations were referred to the Councillor for comment prior to it being tabled in Council. The relevant details are not available yet, as the matter must first serve before Council, prior to Council making a recommendation to me for consideration.
(2) Yes, municipalities adhere to the Local Government Anti–Corruption Strategy which allows them to have adequate measures in place to prevent and detect instances of corruption and maladministration. Where cases are detected and reported, municipalities either follow their own internal disciplinary processes or refer matters of a criminal nature to law enforcement agencies where required.
It is common cause that in cases of Incapacity, Poor Work Performance or Ill Health, the Labour Relations Act as well as the Incapacity Code and Procedures approved at the SALGA Bargaining Council guide all municipalities in this regard.
(3) Yes, three municipalities reported disciplinary actions taken against four of their municipal officials of which one was a section 57 employee.