Cultural Affairs and Sport
(1) Whether the Province has a transversal Youth Development Policy; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) whether the Province has a transversal Youth Development Strategy; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details, (b) can a copy of the strategy be made available and (c) how does the strategy address social pathologies, such as drug and substance abuse, violent crime and gangsterism?
[1] Western Cape Government follows the national youth policy with some adaptations as outlined in the Western Cape Youth Strategy – for details see:
[2a-c] This strategy was recently reviewed and deemed to still be relevant. The five pillars of the strategy allow for addressing the early years which often determine the trajectory of youth, education, a key enabler, access to work, a pre-requisite for becoming productive members of society, a sense of belonging with a particular focus on ‘positive groups’ such as sport teams, art groups, scouts and similar associations and finally opportunities for reconnection for those youth who have steered off the path. WCG is in the process of reviewing all youth funded work and the extent to which this work is aligned with the strategy and the recovery plan. This will inform our funding of youth work going forward.