Standing Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
1. Opening and welcome
2. Briefing by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning on the Growth Potential of Towns in the Western Cape with specific reference to the factors that support or inhibit growth, the availability or lack of bulk infrastructure, other factors that determine the demand for growth as well as the expectations for growth
3. Briefing by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill [B 31B–2020] (NCOP) (s76)
4. Discussion on the public participation process to be followed in respect of the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill [B 31B–2020] (NCOP) (s76)
5. Resolutions/Actions
6. Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Minutes of 10 May 2022
7. General
8. Closing
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