Human Settlements
(1) [a] Which pockets of land and/or housing projects are earmarked to benefit residents of temporary relocation areas [TRA] and [b] how much is made available in the 2022 MTEF;
[a] what progress has been made with the Airport Precinct Housing Project, [b] what is the project specifications, [c] what is the total breakdown of the expenditure and expenditure items and [d] when is the first residents expected to move in?
[1][a] No housing projects have been earmarked for people in the temporary residential areas in the 2022/23 financial year. Some beneficiaries, within the TRA managed by the Department, were relocated to Forest Village and Joe Slovo. An audit will be done in the 2022/23 financial year to verify approved beneficiaries who still need to be relocated to formal houses.
[b] There will be no standalone allocation and/ project for approved beneficiaries who are still within the TRA’s. The beneficiaries will be assisted in projects that are already in the project pipeline and the list will only be confirmed after the conclusion of the survey referred to in [a] above.
[2][a] There have been several months of delays of work as result of community residents who refused to be temporarily relocated out of construction area to an alternative site. Furthermore, there have been incidents of shooting on site where the demands were made to the contractor by gunmen to pay R200 000 per month if they wish to continue working in the area. All construction related works has since been stopped as there are continuous threats of further shootings. The construction works will only resume when all safety and security measures are in place and the contractor deemed the working environment is safe to continue with works. There is continuous engagement with the contractor and local stakeholders to find a suitable mitigation measure that will create a safe working environment.
[b] What are the project specifications
The airport precinct project is divided into two phases: phase one comprises construction of housing units on infill sites with a total yield of 729 opportunities; and the second phases entails the development of the main site comprising different pockets of informal settlements.
Airport Infills:
The Airport Infills housing development project comprises four sites which are allocated in Lusaka, New Rest, Luyolo, and Tambo Village. These sites will have the following split of housing units:
Luyolo Site: 206 units
Tambo Village: 244 units
New Rest: 33 units
Lusaka Infills: 64 units
Gxagxa: 182 units
Airport Precinct Main Site:
The main site will provide mixed use development for approximately 8500 housing opportunities. The development will include duplex, multi-storey units, social and economic amenities. The beneficiaries will be sourced mainly from Kanana; Barcelona; Europe; Vukuzenzele, Zimbabwe, Lusaka and other surrounding areas.
[c] What is the total breakdown of the expenditure and expenditure items and;
Project Expenditure to date:
Project packaging which includes statutory approvals, detailed designs to unlock approximately 9 229 opportunities within the airport precinct has been concluded at a cost of R71m. This also includes social facilitation which is an on-going activity.
Construction of Civils, Roads & Electrical Services has commenced on phase 1 which is the Airport Infills and expenditure to date is R29,7 m
[d] when is the first residents expected to move in?
The first residents at Airport Infills sites were expected to move in during the first quarter of 2023/2024 financial year, however the recent shooting incident on site will have an impact on the completion date as all construction work has been halted given the continued threats and extortion. The Airport Precinct main site relocation of 3000 of Kanana residence depends on the completion of units in Welmoed, which has also been delayed due to the refusal of farmers who illegally occupied the property, to relocate. My Department is currently awaiting a conclusion of the mediation process which was ordered by the High Court.