Social Development
With reference to frail-care facilities in the Western Cape:
(1) What mitigation plan is in place to ensure that no patients are displaced as a result of frail-care centre closures;
(2) whether there are any frail-care centres in the province currently earmarked for closure due to a lack of funds; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what mitigation plans are in place?
With reference to frail-care facilities in the Western Cape:
[1] What mitigation plan is in place to ensure that no patients are displaced as a result of frail-care centre closures;
Where a frail-care facility closes due to a Board decision, the Department is notified, and the facility is guided in terms of informing the families and helps with regards to finding alternative placement at suitable frail care facilities.
Where the department closes a frail care facility due to non-compliance, the Board is placed on notice to close facility and are providing the opportunity to give reasons why such a facility should not be closed and on corrective actions that they will take. The abovementioned process will then be monitored. Furthermore, if the facility still does not comply, notice is given to close within 3 months. Families are informed about closure and are guided in terms of alternative placement. DSD social workers will assess those that do not have family support and look for alternative placement.
[2] whether there are any frail-care centres in the province currently earmarked for closure due to a lack of funds; if so, [a] what are the relevant details and [b] what mitigation plans are in place?
No frail care facilities are earmarked for closure due to lack of funds.