Community Safety
With reference to the newly established Anti-gang Unit formed by President Ramaphosa in early November:
- Whether personnel have been drawn from police stations; if so, how many police personnel members;
- whether these personnel members will be replaced at station level; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- whether vehicles have been drawn from police stations; if so, how many vehicles;
- whether these vehicles will be replaced at station level; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant detail;
- what is the planned life cycle of the unit?
3. The South African Police Service informed me as follows:
(1) Yes. 163 members are currently on service arrangements pending the approval of the structure of the Anti-gang Unit.
(2) Members will be replaced at the affected stations through the allocation of post promotions, entry level posts for the 2018/19 financial year as well as transfers to the province.
(3) Yes, 31 vehicles.
(4) Yes, 14 vehicles will be replaced in this financial year on receipt of new vehicles and 17 vehicles will be replaced in the 2019/2020 financial year.
(5) Dependent on the threat.