- (a) (i) How many learners have dropped out of school over the last two years at Melkhoutfontein Primary, (ii) what were the main reasons for these dropouts and (iii) what programmes are in place to ensure that learners are encouraged to continue with education,
(b) how many learners have been expelled from this school in (i) 2014 and (ii) 2015;
- whether due processes were followed with the expulsions; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- whether the governing body supported all the expulsions; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- a) (i) 44 learners
(ii) Reasons why the learners have left school include drug abuse, crime and gangsterism, learners in Grade 8 and 9 who want or need to start working, learners who don’t want to adhere to the school’s code of conduct, circumstances at home or learners who feel they are too old and that they cannot keep up.
(iii) The school actively encourages learners to stay in school. The school identifies and counsels learners at risk. Parents are also informed and are encouraged to discuss issues with the school. The District also conducts multi-disciplinary team visits to the school consisting of the Circuit Manager, Social Workers and School Psychologists. The school has also worked with Badisa (a faith-based social welfare organisation that provides professional social welfare and development services) to encourage learners who “dropped out” to return to the school – which proved a short term success.
b) (i) nil
(ii) nil
- Not applicable
- Not applicable