Human Settlement

Question by: 
Hon Matlhodi Maseko
Answered by: 
Hon Bonginkosi Madikizela
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

Whether his Department has any plans to increase the participation of women in the following departmental training programmes, (a) Youth in Human Settlements Programme (Youth Brigade), Ocean View, (b) Apprenticeship, Ocean View, (c) Skills Programme, Ocean View, (d) Apprenticeship in plumbing, Oudtshoorn, and (e) Masilingane People’s   Housing Process (PHP); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant   details?

Answer Body: 

My department is making a progressive attempt to include and increase the total number of young women in the labour intensive construction site.

My department initially started off in Ocean View and Oudtshoorn with a 20% Youth target which was subsequently increased to 40% in the selection process in the Bardale Youth in Human Settlements project. Women are included in the increased percentage.

Friday, October 16, 2015