Section 10 of the Housing Act, 1997 (Act 107 of 1997), allows for the accreditation of municipalities to implement housing projects:
(a) How many Western Cape municipalities are accredited, (b) what are the criteria for accreditation, (c) which municipalities have been accredited, (d) what is the level of accreditation of each municipality that has been accredited and (e) which municipalities have applied but have not been accredited?
[a] One - The City of Cape Town Metropolitan municipality is the only municipality accredited in the Western Cape.
[b] The Municipal Accreditation Framework [2012] sets out the rationale for accreditation:
- Accredited Municipalities to administer National Human Settlements Programmes;
- Municipalities to demonstrate capacity to plan, implement, maintain both projects and programmes that are integrated within the Integrated Development Plan [IDP’s] and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework [MTEF].
- The Municipal Manager needs to officially communicate the intention to apply for accreditation to the Provincial Head of Department.
- The Provincial Department of Human Settlements provides the required technical assistance towards the development of an Accreditation Business Plan [ABP].
- The ABP must include the objective of the requested accreditation, the existing capacity for programme administration and the required capacity for the municipality to perform the accredited functions.
- A formal written application/ request for accreditation from the Mayor to the Provincial Minister must include the following documents:
- Accreditation Business Plan;
- Human Settlements [Housing] Sector Plan;
- IDP;
- Council resolution;
- AG report and Annual report attached.
- The application will be evaluated by an Independent/ International Panel of experts who will thereafter make a recommendation to the Provincial Minister on the respective application[s] for accreditation.
[c] The City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality has been accredited.
[d] The City of Cape Town Metro is accredited on level 2 of the Municipal Accreditation framework.
[e] The Provincial Department, together with its National counterpart, is currently assisting the following municipalities to officially submit their applications to the Provincial Minister:
- Garden Route District Municipality
- Mossel Bay Local Municipality
- Saldanha Bay Local Municipality