With regard to the consultants being appointed by Government Motor Transport (GMT):
(1) What are the names of the top five consulting firms in terms of (a) total cost, (b) breakdown by billing hours and (c) the details of the services rendered to GMT;
(2) (a) how many consultants are deployed to GMT by each consulting firm, (b) what are the individual billing hours of each of these consultants, (c) what are the details of how long they have been consulting to GMT and (d) under what terms are they consulting with regard to specific output;
(3) what are the names of top five individual consultants (not deployed by firms) employed by GMT directly in terms of their (a) billing hours, (b) total cost, (c) monthly billable hours for the past 12 months, (d) duration of consulting for GMT and (e) employment with regard to specific output?
[1] The names of the top five consulting firms in terms of [a], [b] and [c] vary, depending on the time frames involved. The question does not specify a time frame.
[2] See [1]) above.
[3] Not applicable to GMT. All consultants are deployed through firm