Community Safety
- What were the policing needs and priorities (PNPs) submitted to the national police service for the (a) first, (b) second and (c) third quarter of 2017/18;
- whether the national policing policy has taken these PNPs into account; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
3. (1) (a) The Department of Community Safety does submit information on PNPs to the SAPS on a quarterly basis through the submission of MINMEC reports. The content of the MINMEC reports are discussed at MINMEC meetings with the National Minister of SAPS.
(a) Submitted to MINMEC during quarter 1
- Drugs and Gangs
- Emergency Medical Services Safety
- 19 Gang Related Violent Schools Identified by SAPS
(b) Submitted to MINMEC during quarter 2
- Drugs and Gangs
- Emergency Medical Services Safety
- Abalone and Cable Theft
- Gang link to the Private Security Industry
- Police Reservists
- Gang Related Violence at Schools Identified by SAPS
(c) Submitted to MINMEC during quarter 3
- Drugs and Gangs
- Service delivery by SAPS within the Province
- Emergency Medical Services Safety
- Abalone and Cable Theft
- Gang link to the Private Security Industry
- Police Reservists
- Gang Related Violence at Schools Identified by SAPS
- Drought
(2) The SAPS Acting National Commissioner, Lt Gen Mothiba acknowledged receipt of the PNP report on 24 October 2017 in a letter to the Head of Department, Community Safety. The response acknowledged that ‘the alignment of the 2016/2017 Policing Needs and Priorities process to the national Development Plan (Vision 2030) which advocates aligning organisational goals, objectives, strategies and budgetary programmes are translated into improved service delivery standards to the community taking into account the uniqueness of the police station environment.’
Further, the Acting Commissioner noted that ‘the provincial analysis of common safety needs and concerns as well as recommendations including ideas for best practices has been noted’ and will be considered ‘in the development of South African Police Services plans for improve service delivery at police station (local) level’.
In the 2017/18 Policing Needs and Priorities report (currently in production) the Department analyses how the SAPS has responded to key safety and policing priorities in the Province.