Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
What is the amount paid for the flood damage to the bridge on the Gouritz Mouth/Mossel Bay road and (b) when will the bridge be repaired?
- No funding was allocated from the disaster grants for the reconstruction or rehabilitation of the Gouritz Mouth/ Mosselbay road. Following the floods of July 2012, the National Disaster Management Centre appointed an independent professional service provider to verify all flood related damages. The verifier appointed by the National Disaster Management Centre could not find any evidence that the damages incurred were as a result of the July 2012 flooding event as provided in the final verification report.
The bridge will not be repaired with disaster funding. The road infrastructure mentioned, i.e. road and bridge will have to be repaired through the Provincial Roads Maintenance Grant in line with the priority list of the Department of Public Works and Transport (Roads Division).