Community Safety
[1] When will the construction of the new Woodstock Police Station (a) commence and (b) be completed;
[2] whether there are any plans to upgrade the Woodstock Police Station in the interim; if not, why not; if so, (a) when and (b) what are the relevant details;
[3] whether any physical defects of the current building have been repaired; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
The South African Police Services informed me as follows:
[1][a] There is no date determined for the construction of the new police station at Woodstock hence, a completion date cannot be provided.
[b] Not applicable
[2] Woodstock SAPS is currently number 5 on the Province’s priority list for Capital Works and all needs with regards to upgrading have been encompassed in the Province’s User Asset Management Plan (UAMP) for future prioritization and funding.
[a] Not applicable
[b] Not applicable
[3] Major repairs were conducted to the roof of the building in 2013. All other needs for repairs, which cannot be conducted under day-to-day maintenance, have been placed on the Province’s UAMP for future prioritization and funding