Public Accounts Committee meeting
Please note that the meeting of the above standing committee will take place as follows:
Date: Friday, 29 July 2022
Time: 14h00 – 16h00
Venue: MS Teams (Virtual)
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Briefings by the Department of Human Settlements on the following matters:
2.1 the reasons for the 2020/21 financial year audit opinion and findings of the AGSA, including how the Department will prevent a recurrence of a similar nature; and
2.2 the irregular expenditure incurred by the Department during the 2020/21 financial year, including the measures that the Department has put in place to prevent a future recurrence.
3. Consideration and adoption of the draft minutes of 8 June 2021.
4. Association of Public Accounts Committees Matters
5. Resolution/ actions
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