Economic Opportunities:

Question by: 
Hon Beverley Schäfer
Answered by: 
Hon Alan Winde
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

Commercial farming in South Africa is categorised into three clusters, namely: small, medium and large scale commercial farming. The common thread amongst all of these clusters is that they all produce for markets with a view to maximise profit.

The Department’s definition of a commercial farmer is informed by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) which defines a commercial farmer as someone that produces agricultural products exclusively for markets, to maximise profit with a turnover of between R500 000 – R 1000 000 per annum. Such a farmer is large enough to generate income sufficient to support his or her family.

The following requirements used to determine / classify a farmer as commercial:

  1. Access to formal markets (domestic and/or export);
  2. Existence of sales and production records;
  3. Ability of the farmer to reinvest profits into the business; compliance with tax and labour laws; and
  4. Existence of current and updated business plans to guide and inform operations.


We view these as critical factors for any business with commercial inclination.







Answer Body: 

Commercial farming in South Africa is categorised into three clusters, namely: small, medium and large scale commercial farming. The common thread amongst all of these clusters is that they all produce for markets with a view to maximise profit.

The Department’s definition of a commercial farmer is informed by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) which defines a commercial farmer as someone that produces agricultural products exclusively for markets, to maximise profit with a turnover of between R500 000 – R 1000 000 per annum. Such a farmer is large enough to generate income sufficient to support his or her family.

The following requirements used to determine / classify a farmer as commercial:

  1. Access to formal markets (domestic and/or export);
  2. Existence of sales and production records;
  3. Ability of the farmer to reinvest profits into the business; compliance with tax and labour laws; and
  4. Existence of current and updated business plans to guide and inform operations.


We view these as critical factors for any business with commercial inclination.






Friday, March 23, 2018