
Question by: 
Hon Siyazi Tyatyam
Answered by: 
Hon Nomafrench Mbombo
Question Number: 
Question Body: 
  1. (a) How many facility boards have been established at the latest date for which information is available following the enactment of the Western Cape Facility Boards and Committees Act, Act 4 of 2016, and (b) what are the details of each of these facility boards;


  1. whether the members of the boards and committees have received induction training; if not, why not; if so; what are the relevant details;


  1. whether any of the boards and committees has conducted in-situ inspections to assess the state of facilities; if so, what were the recommendation;


whether her Department has acted on these recommendations; if not; why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Answer Body: 
  1. a)(b) Information is not yet available as the regulations have not been for the new act to be implemented. However, the current facility boards’ period only expires in January 2017 but the Department has been proactive in appointing the new boards before the period lapses. Attached is the latest list of appointed facility boards.


  1. No not yet. Once the regulations have been finalised, it will guide the Department and the members in terms of induction training pertaining to their role.


  1. No. Once these are finalised in-situ inspections will be scheduled. Current members of hospital boards have been appointed for a full year now and they have regular meetings with the CEO and other board members and are kept abreast of various issues.



No recommendations have been received as no inspections have been conducted yet. The current members have regular meetings with the CEOs where they have a platform to give input. All their recommendations are taken seriously as key stakeholders as each CEO is required to work closely with these board members.

Friday, December 9, 2016
Supporting Docs: 