Human Settlements
- What are the responsibilities of the community steering committees
and (b) why are they vital in the process of the development and
the delivery of houses?
- Their responsibilities are as follows:
- To work closely with my department, municipalities, the Project Managers, the Ward Councillor(s), other relevant stakeholders and the Professional Team for the successful implementation of the Project;
- To represent the beneficiaries of the project and any established interest groups, in the source areas, from which beneficiaries may become part of the decision making ;
- To oversee the implementation of the policies of my department, the National Department of Human Settlements. To ensure that the views of the beneficiaries of the Project are included in the relevant decision-making processes;
- To hold regular meetings with the relevant stakeholders where the views of the potential beneficiaries and matters pertinent to the development will be communicated;
- To assist in the resolution of any conflict related to or threatening the Project. All members of the PSC, individually or collectively, shall inform each other of any potential issues or threats which may delay or undermine the progress and success of the project and;
- In the achievement of these set goals the PSC will endeavour to act in unity, uphold the values of transparency, honesty and above all put the interest of the beneficiaries of the Project first.
- To ensure the involvement of the beneficiaries, through their designated representatives, to the extent that the beneficiaries will take ownership of the project;
- To ensure that the development and beneficiary allocation process is transparent and;
Taking into account the Terms of Reference, the project will be implemented without delay and wastage of time and/or money.