Community Safety
- How many safety kiosks have been placed in the Western Cape;
- whether they have been placed in crime hotspots; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
whether there is a decline in crime since the safety kiosks have been placed; if so, what are the relevant details?
To date 68 safety kiosks have been placed in the Western Cape.
(2) Yes, however the safety kiosk are not deployed by the department but is donated to capable safety partners who takes responsibility for the deployment and staffing of the safety kiosks within the crime hotspots identified within their areas. Some limitations exist as it relates to the ability and capability of safety partnerships to respond to certain types of crimes for instance armed gang violence. The Department enters into a Memorandum of Understanding with the safety partners to regulate the usage of safety kiosks to the benefit of the local community.
(3) The safety partners have reported, to the Department, that there is a decrease in crime incidents at public spaces as well as an increase in the perception of safety in the areas due to the visibility of the safety kiosk. The safety kiosk donation is aften linked to other interventions such as the deployment of Chrysalis graduates, NHW members and/or safety resource officers. The deployment of the safety kiosks aims to create a safe zone within specific areas and communities.