Human Settlements
- What is he doing about the awarding of houses in Witzenberg to people who are not on the waiting list;
- whether he has an intervention plan; if not; why not; if so, (a) what is
the timeline and (b) the relevant details?
- The Municipality is not ware of houses being awarded to persons not on their waiting list.
- My department formally adopted during September 2012 guidelines: Western Cape Provincial Framework Policy for the selection of Housing Beneficiaries in ownership-based subsidy projects.
The framework calls for Municipalities to balance housing opportunities between various groups namely: people in formal overcrowded conditions often referred to as Backyarders, Informal settlements dwellers, Middle Aged and Elderly persons, Persons with disabilities, Military veterans and Families in desperate need.
In line with the Framework Policy, the registration date ordering remains a key basis for selecting beneficiaries for Greenfileds Housing Projects.