Police Oversight and Community Safety
With respect to the Kleinvlei Police Station:
(1) Whether there are any plans to build a new police station in Kleinvlei; if not, why not; if so, what is the timeline;
(2) (a) what is the current staffing structure, (b) how many vacancies exist at the station, (c) which government department is responsible for the maintenance of the station, (d) what is the current detective-to-population ratio, (e) how many residents does the police station serve and (f) what are the top five crimes in the area;
(3) (a)(i) with which internet connection services is the station equipped and (ii) what challenges have been experienced in this regard, (b) how many calls have been logged with SETA and TMS with reference to the (i) fingerprinting devices and (ii) machines for the scanning of dockets and (c) how many firearms are assigned to the station?
15. [1] A new police station for Kleinvlei is on the Capital Works Priority List. The project is currently in the site clearance phase [site identification and eventual acquisition]. The project is managed by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure [DPW]). A number of sites have been identified for the new police station. SAPS is in the process of evaluating the different sites. No timeline is available.
[2] [a]
Station Commander |
1 |
Visible Policing |
122 |
Detectives |
37 |
Support Services |
32 |
Total |
192 |
[b] 26 vacancies
[c] SAPS is responsible for all minor day-to-day maintenance at the station while the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure is responsible for all major repairs and maintenance.
[d] 1: 3 221
[e] 119 202
[f] According to the statistics for the 2021/2022 financial year [April 2021 to 31 March 2022] and the 1st Quarter 2022/2023 [April to June 2022] periods separately, the top 5 crimes according to the volumes are assault common, theft general, malicious damage to property, burglary at residential premises and robbery with aggravating circumstances for both mentioned periods.
[3] [a] [i] Kleinvlei SAPS is equipped with a 2Mbps data line.
[ii] No challenges are experienced. In the last six months one (1) fault was logged on 2022-08-29 when it was discovered that the connection was down.
[b] [i] 0
[ii] In the past 6 months one fault has been logged for each of the scanners.
[c] Sufficient firearms are assigned to the station. [The exact number is confidential and disclosing this poses a security risk]