(1) Whether any surgeries have been (i) delayed or (ii) postponed as a result of load-shedding since the beginning of this year; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) whether her Department’s accelerated backup plan for 2022/23 has been affected by rolling blackouts; if so, what are the relevant details;
(3) what effect does the blackouts have on her Department’s supply of diesel to public healthcare facilities;
(4) whether the frequency of the blackouts has a negative impact on mortality rates at hospitals; if so, what are the relevant details?
- 1. None reported.
- 2.Approval has been granted for the implementation of the Rural Primary Health Care [PHC] Energy Savings Company [ESCO] Inverter Turnkey Project for Backup Electricity. The project will be implemented at 51 Rural PHC facilities identified by Rural Health Services. The Task Orders to for implementation of the project are currently in process of being finalized with the ESCO and Sourcing. It is envisaged that the project will be implemented over the next 6 months. The department intends rolling out the project at additional Rural PHC Facilities in the new financial year pending budget availability.
- 3.With continued loadshedding, the Department needs to ensure sufficient levels of fuel supply is maintained at facilities. Since April 2022, the Department spent R53 196 434 on a range of budget items including fuel, oil and medical gas to keep health care facilities running during power cut.
- 4. None reported.