Whether there are any investigations by the Health Ombudsman that have been undertaken against healthcare facilities in the province from 2014 to date; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what were the findings in each case?
The data on the National Ideal software system was only electronically recorded from 2018 to date.
- Since 1 April 2018 to date, 155 cases have been referred by the Health Ombudsman to the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness for investigation.
- Of the total number of cases referred, 149 were resolved to the clients’ satisfaction.
Six were recorded as ‘not resolved’ as it did not necessarily meet the citizen’s expectation. Of these: three relate to patient waiting times, two to patient care and one about a missing record. In all six instances, the clients received communication in the form of a resolution letter or contact was made to discuss their concerns further. Patient feedback is always appreciated and welcomed as it affords the Department an opportunity to improve its services.