
Question by: 
Hon Deidré Baartman
Answered by: 
Hon David Maynier
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

With respect to the Reading for Meaning Programme:

  1. How much has his Department spent in each financial year since the inception of the programme, (b) in which (i) grades and (ii) schools has the programme been implemented in, (c) what metrics are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme and (d) in relation to (c), what have been the results of the programme in each year since its implementation?
Answer Body: 

19.       My department has informed me of the following:

(a)       Overall expenditure for 3 x iterations = R 654 447

                        (i)  FY: 2019/2020

  • 1st Iteration: 12 – 23 Aug 2019 (Face to Face)
  • Participating teachers: 76
  • Schools: 57
  • Cost: R 316 347


                        (ii) FY: 2019/2020

  • 2nd Iteration February 2020 (Face to Face)
  • Participating teachers: 60
  • Schools: 48
  • Cost: R 108 836


Total spent for 2019/202 FY: R 425 183


                        (iii) FY: 2020/2021 (Covid-period: Online)

  • 3rd Iteration May/June 2020
  • Participating teachers: 93
  • Schools: 71
  • Cost: R229 264


In total 229 teachers were trained over the two iterations, spanning over two financial years. The course was delivered in 2019 and 2021. In 2023 the course was divided into micro learning opportunities to reach more teachers online and making it a meaningful online engagement.


(b)(i) Grades 4 to 6


(ii) Grade 4 to 6 Reading for meaning participation across districts:


St. Mary's RK PS                  Andile PS                                   Thorntonweg PS

Siyazakha PS                      Beaufort West PS                      Holy Cross RC PS

Towerkop PS                      Belhar PS                                    Intshinga PS

Holy Cross RC PS                Cascade PS                              Hibernia VGK PS

Zoar EK PS                           Cascade PS                              Gateway PS

Christmas Tinto PS              Charleston Hill PS                      Nolungile PS

Sunray PS                            Christmas Tinto PS                     Riviersonderend PS

Tafelsig PS                           Colridge PS                               Elandsrivier NGK PS

Itsitsa PS                              Dalubuhle PS                             Douglas Road PS

Eluxolweni PS                     De Grendel Special School    Nal'uxulo PS

Siyafuneka PS                    Eastville PS                                 Lukhanyo PS

Sokhanyo PS                      Enkululekweni PS                      Chumisa PS

De Villiers PS                       Enkululekweni PS                      Kerria PS

Sunridge PS                        Groenberg NGK PS                  Die Duine PS

Essenhout PS                      Ikhwezi Lesizwe PS                    Die Duine PS

Kayamandi PS                   Ikhwezi Lesizwe PS                    Iris Qwela PS

West End PS                        Ikhwezi Lesizwe PS                    Die Duine PS

Umnqophiso PS                 Irista PS                                       Siyazakha PS

Bardale PS                          Irista PS                                       Kayamandi PS

Teske Gedenk PS              Juniper Sreet PS                        Tuscany Glen PS

Mokone PS                         Kayamandi PS                          Ukhanyo PS

Umnqophiso PS                 Kayamandi PrS                         Vooruitsig PS

Masonwabe PS                 Kleinrivier PS                              Iris Qwela PS

Ludwe Ngamlana PS        Kosie De Wet PS                       Nal'uxulo PS

Gateway PS                       Kwanokuthula PS                     Firgrove PS

Bongolethu PS                   Litha PS                                      Zerilda Park PS

Mfuleni PS                           Lourier PS                                   Thembelitsha PS

Welwitsciha PS                   Ludwe Ngamlana PS               Kerria PS

Christmas Tinto PS              Ludwe Ngamlana PS               Ludwe Ngamlana PS

Ikaya PS                              Ludwe Ngamlana PS               Kerria PS

Itsitsa PS                              Ludwe Ngamlana PS               Samora Machel PS

Silukhanyo PS                     Masiphathisane PS                   Ikhwezi Lesizwe PS

St. Andrew's PS                  Masiphathisane PS                   Soyisile PS

Eluxolweni PS                     Masiphathisane PS                   Kayamandi PS

Dalweide PS                       Maskam PS                                Holy Cross PS (George)

Trevor Manuel PS              Middelpos PS                            Silukhanyo PS

Welwitsciha PS                   Middelpos PS                            Prins Albert PS

Murraysburg PS                 Mokone PS                                Thorntonweg PS

Essenhout PS                      Morgenson PS                          Holy Cross RC PS

Imbasa PS                           Morrisdale PS                            Panorama Prim

Table View PS                    Mvula PS                                    Chapel Street PS

Imbasa PS                           Mzoxolo PS                                E. A. Janari PS

Parliament Street PS         Mzoxolo PS                                Prins Albert PS

Dr. Van Der Ross PS           Nomzamo Ps                             Ashton Public

Isiphiwo PS                          Pacaltsdorp PS                         Wallacedene PS

Towerkop PS                      Pacaltsdorp PS                         Hopolang PS

Abedare PS                       Pacaltsdorp PS                         Kwa-Faku PS

Silverleaf PS                        Panorama PS West Coast       Kwa-Faku PS

West End PS                        Panorama PS West Coast       Muizenberg Junior

Lwazi PS                              Parkdene PS (Bellville)             Wolraad Woltemade PS

Wespoort PS                       Porterville PS                             Thembelitsha PS

Imperial PS                          Prins Albert PS                           Die Duine PS

Du Noon PS                        Rainbow PS                               Firgrove PS

Cypress PS                          Rainbow PS                               Soyisile PS

F.J Conradie PS                 Riebeeck-Wes PS                     Leiden Avenue S

Isalathiso PS                        Samora Machel PS                  Vergesig PS

Sikelela Imizamo PS           Siyabulela PS                             Isiphiwo PS

Welwitsciha PS                   Riebeeckstraat PS                    Soyisile PS     

Emithini PS                           St. Paul's Ek PS(George)          Emithini PS

Newfields PS                      Thembani PS                             Ntwasahlobo PS

Zwelihle PS                          Thembelitsha PS                       Christmas Tinto PS

Silverleaf PS                        Thorntonweg PS                       Nomsa Mapongwana

Riebeeckstraat PS             Wallacedene PS                      P.J.B  Cona PS

Leiden PS                            Westville PS                               Umnqophiso PS

Masonwabe PS                 Enkululekweni PS                      Homba PS

Trevor Manuel PS              Nyameko PS                             Umnqophiso Parliament Street PS                                                                                                 


(c)     The course is aimed at teachers who struggle with learners that battle to ‘read for meaning’ in class. The course assists teachers in non-Language subjects where learners' lack language skills and comprehension and to improve their skills to help struggling learners. It also assists teachers who are constantly looking for additional strategies to improve learners' reading with comprehension skills.


          Whilst the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI) does not have the capacity for impact assessment measuring, the CTLI used three evaluation practices to determine the successful delivery of the programme:

  1. Pre- and post-test scores of participants
  2. Course completion rate
  3. Course participation feedback based on introspection and reflection


(d)     The course was piloted in August 2019 (face to face) and launched in February 2020 (face to face) with the 3rd iteration delivered online in May 2021. Due to the pandemic, the topics were broken up into small micro interventions for 2022. With the addition of creative writing for Intermediate Phase, attention was given to strengthening of this aspect that was new/ added to the revised Annual Teaching Plans.

The evaluation practices utilised suggested that:

  • Across the 3 iterations the pre-test average scores show an increase in post-test average scores.
  • The inference can be drawn that the pedagogical content assisted course participants to strengthen their gaps in terms of the content delivered.



1st Iteration

2nd Iteration

3rd Iteration

Pre-test average




Post-test average






  • The course retention rate was maintained.



1st Iteration

2nd Iteration

3rd Iteration



Number teachers











  • Course participation feedback

Snippets of Teacher Feedback:

Facilitator: The following quote of one of the educators says it all: Teacher 1: “My mind has been blown away.  I loved every moment of this workshop. I want to do it as soon as I get back to school”.

“They could see how the content of this course could be to the benefit of their learners and they put effort in the lesson plans to master the concepts.  They mentioned that the new knowledge was too much to absorb in one course and that it might be a good idea to split the course” (Paraphrasing of teacher comments by Facilitator.


Facilitator: The group as a whole commented very favourably on the course and everyone thought it worth the while and an enjoyable experience.

Participants: “The activities were relevant, and they were used to reinforce the strategies being taught. Each section/concept had activities to help implement it. It’s easy to use and child friendly. These activities will save time because I wouldn't have to spend time drawing up activities and researching.”


“Facilitator B really worked hard in the large group sessions and tried at all times to engage the entire group. She was well prepared and i found her facilitation to be helpful.

“Mrs W really reinforced the strategies in the breakaway groups and ensured that we were given ample opportunities to practice and present.”

Friday, February 24, 2023