
Question by: 
Hon Moses Klaas
Answered by: 
Hon Anroux Marais
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

Following the reports of the outbreak and spread of measles in the province and in other parts of the country in early February 2023:

  1. What initiative has her Department embarked on to encourage parents to take their children to be vaccinated against measles;
  2. whether all the clinics in the province have enough supply of the measles vaccine; if not, what is her Department doing to get more vaccine; if so, what are the relevant details?
Answer Body: 
  1. The Department has embarked on a mass media campaign on radio, social media and print media to create awareness of the measles risk and to urge parents and carers to have their children vaccinated. This mass media campaign runs until the end of March 2023. This is supported by ongoing community mobilisation by the local vaccination teams on the ground by conducting door-to-door visits and load hailing.


The Department also issues weekly media releases on the progress on vaccination uptake which carries supporting messages from parents and caregivers who have had their children immunised.


  1. Yes, the Department has sufficient supply as there are 1 727 392 children under the age of 15 in the province that need to be vaccinated. A new batch is also expected.


Friday, March 10, 2023