With regard to the power packs for poorer households announced during the State of the Province Address:
- (a) What will the power packs comprise of, (b) what will the monetary value of one power pack be, (c)(i) how will the power packs be distributed and (ii) which body will be responsible for its distribution and (d) in what ways will these power packs contribute to reducing the impact of load-shedding on poorer households;
- whether there has been any (a) engagement or (b) pledge from the national government to support the provincial government in the rollout of this initiative; if so, what are the relevant details?
- (a) The detail on the content of the power packs are under development and, in accordance with the supply chain management prescripts, must be specified comprehensively. Some of the items under consideration to be included in the emergency power packs would potentially include a rechargeable portable light, cell phone charging facility, and possibly a hot/cold food bag
(b) Estimated cost per pack is R600 all inclusive
(c)(i) The criteria for selection are being finalised, but lower LSM households are the targeted audience.
(ii) The distribution mechanism has not been finalised and all options (using an intermediary, use existing distribution structures in provincial government etc) will be considered.
(d) From the previous Demand Side Management programmes that have been run by Eskom, lower LSM’s have three main needs during loadshedding – heating, lighting and charging. We believe the pack must attempt to address these needs, even if only for the loadshedding period.
- (a)and (b)There has not been any indication from national government if any
funding will be made available to the Western Cape Government for the Western Cape Energy Resilience Plan or for the projects under the National Energy Crisis Committee that will have to be rolled our at provincial or local government level.