Minister of Health

Question by: 
Hon Gerrit Pretorius
Answered by: 
Hon Nomafrench Mbombo
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

(1) (a) How many stoma patients have been treated at each of her Department’s hospitals in the last 12 months,

     (b) what are the clinical guidelines relating to ostomy care at her Department’s facilities and (c)(i) how many ostomy bags a month are given to       each patient and (ii) what are the reasons for this number of bags being given to ostomates in a month;

    (2) whether any of her Department’s facilities experienced shortages of ostomy bags the last 12 months; if so, what are the relevant details;

    (3) whether there have there been any complaints from patients about pouching system leaks; if so, what is being done to address this;

   (4)(a) what supportive products are available in line with clinical guidelines, (b) how many qualified stoma nurses are there at her Department’s         facilities and (c) what is being done to ensure that patients can continue with their daily lives in the event of a ostomy bag shortage?

Answer Body: 
  1. Ostomy care is provided at our two Tertiary Hospitals, Groote Schuur and Tygerberg. (a)Tygerberg: 5 246 (both in and out-patients) Groote Schuur: 14 068 (including in- and outpatient consultations)

(b) Individual Care Guidelines- based on Ostomates Bill of Rights

Ostomy assessment / Location of Stoma: size / colour / skin effluent/ Patient perception /Appliances

Daily implementation of stoma advice -based on specific stoma types.

Western Cape Provincial Government Tender – WCGHCC008/2021

(c) (i) To note: the patients will always be issued with an extra quantity of supply.

At both hospitals:

Patients with a left sided Colostomy will be issued:

One-piece closed pouch.

2 boxes =30 units / box

Translate – 1 pouch may be changed in the morning and night or once per day.

Therefore 30 days’ supply or 60 days’ supply.

In addition

1 box of drainable pouches =30 units / box

Equivalent to 30 weeks supply.

1 drainable pouch equivalent to 5-7 days wear time –

Ileostomy / R sided colostomy / Urostomy

One piece appliance

Issued with 1-2 boxes of drainable pouches . Units per box are either packaged in 10 or 30 per box.

2-piece systems

10 flanges or base plates

10 drainable pouch systems / urostomy pouch systems

10 adhesive seals

1 Adjustable belt

Translates to 10 weeks supply.

(c)  (ii) This is based on the clinical assessment of the patient i.e., type of stoma, the site within the GIT / GU system, any previous surgery, mobilization of the stoma to the surface of the skin, patients’ preference

  1. The were no shortages experienced at Tygerberg but slight disruption at Groote Schuur due to the service provider changing an entire product range. Patients needed to be converted and trialled onto alternative products.
  2. Patients are encouraged to report any stoma problems they experience with their stomas, not only leaking. This way they can be assessed timeously, and the complication can be addressed without delay.
  3. (a) All existing items available on the WCGHCC008/2021
  • Barrier rings
  • Stoma adhesive paste and powder
  • Supportive belts
  • Convexity bags
  • Removal wipes and spray

(b)Tygerberg: 1 Registered Professional Nurse and 1 Registered Enrolled Nurse.

Groote Schuur: 3 Qualified Stoma Registered Nurses and 1 Enrolled Nursing Assistant upskilled.

(c) All new ostomy patients are referred to the relevant community health centres (CHC), prior to discharge from hospital. All stoma scripts are forecasted to Departmental Warehouse, to ensure an adequate stock on hand is available.

This facilitates product availability for the relevant CHC. Patients are issued with a “starter kit” stock to assist with ease of order form the CHC.

The transition is therefore seamless.

Friday, April 21, 2023