
Question by: 
Hon Derrick America
Answered by: 
Hon Ricardo Mackenzie
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

Whether his Department is currently in talks to expand the Go George bus service; if so, (a) how much will be spent and (b) what are the timelines for expansion?

Answer Body: 

The Department is currently working in partnership with George Municipality to expand the GO GEORGE service as a priority.

 The Provincial allocation to GO GEORGE for this financial year (2023/24) is


 (b) The next phase is Phase 4A (Thembalethu). Preparations are currently underway to expand into Phase 4A as a matter of urgency. Readiness has already been achieved in several key workstreams including preparation of bus stops and related infrastructure, acquisition of additional vehicles, operator compensation processes and programming of systems. Stakeholder engagements and door-to-door communications activities are ongoing with in excess of 50,000 residents of Thembalethu having already been reached with information on how to use the system, in the lead-up to roll-out.

Friday, May 5, 2023