
Question by: 
Hon Derrick America
Answered by: 
Hon Ricardo Mackenzie
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

What steps are being taken to ensure that load-shedding does not affect Metrorail passenger trains?

Answer Body: 

The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) has over the past 3 years invested in protecting the Train Service from Loadshedding. The investment has focused on:

1. Ensuring that all train movements are not affected by loadshedding through installed redundancies at Foreshore Main Substation and Modderdam Substation.

2. Repairing the 11 kV distribution network to support the train control systems (Signalling system).

3. Installation of Generators in key junction stations .

On all train service lines, the only areas affected by load shedding are the Stations (ticket selling points and platform lighting), however all trains are able to move through uninterrupted.



Friday, May 5, 2023