Social Development

Question by: 
Hon Ntombezanele Bakubaku-Vos
Answered by: 
Hon Sharna Fernandez
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

(a)   What is the detailed list of all the NGOs that have received funding from her Department in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (b)(i) what are the specific amounts received by each NGO and (ii) what was the purpose of such funding and (c)(i) what is the number of NGOs that her Department stopped funding to during the period mentioned in (a) and (ii) what are the reasons therefore?

Answer Body: 
The detailed list of all NGOs that received funding can be found in the excel tabs per financial year commencing with financial year 2019/20  and including the approved funding to date, for the  2023/24 financial year.
the tabs labelled 'Partial Transfers' contains information on the NGOs that the Department stopped funding during the course of that financial year and the reasons for the discontinuation of the funding.
The columns provide the detail required in terms of the question namely, name of the NGO, the purpose for which the funding was awarded, the amount approved and transferred to the NGO and the amount spent by the NGO. In the case of the tab dealing with Partial Transfers, the amount approved for the NGO is indicated, what was transferred to the NGO, the amount not transferred to the NGO and the reason for not transferring the total amount.
Friday, May 19, 2023
Supporting Docs: 