Cultural Affairs and Sport

Question by: 
Hon Gillion Bosman
Answered by: 
Hon Anroux Marais
Question Number: 
Question Body: 
  1. (a) What programmes or projects are currently underway in the province to keep young people out of gang activities and (b) how much will be spent over the next five years on these programmes or projects;
  1. whether there are any additional programmes or projects planned for the next five years; if so, what are the relevant details?
Answer Body: 

6.(1) (a)        The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) can only respond to what the DCAS is doing in providing a supportive role in offering social protective factors aimed at mitigating risk taking behaviours to keepyoung people from gang related activities. The role played by DCAS in keeping young people out of gangs is not a DCAS sole responsibility but rather a broad collective approach to which the Department is contributing to. In essence basically all of the programmes offered by DCAS contributes to keeping young people away from social ills which include gang related activities, as indicated below:

Youth Development Programmes: The department offer various programmes focusing on youth development, such as YearBeyond, the MOD programme, After-school Programme, life skills training, mentorship initiatives, leadership development, and career guidance. These programmes aim to equip young people with the necessary skills and support to make positive choices and avoid engaging in gang related and other social ills related activities.

Sports and Recreational Activities: Engaging young people in sport and recreational activities provide them with alternatives to gang involvement. DCAS does this in partnership with sport federations and clubs throughout the Western Cape. The department provides funding for club development, sport leagues, tournaments, and recreational events to encourage youth participation and create safe spaces for physical activities.

Arts and Culture Programmes: By promoting arts and cultural activities, the department offer young people creative outlets and platforms for self-expression. In partnership with the NGO sector initiatives like music, dance, theatre, and visual arts programmes help to channel their energy into constructive pursuits.  Libraries are regarded as safe spaces for vulnerable youth and with more than 375 library outlet points throughout the province the reach is wide, they provide programmes such as book clubs and other educational programmes.

Education and Skills Development: Providing educational support, vocational training, and job placement services such as the youth service YearBeyond programme contribute to keeping young people away from gang activities. The department collaborates with educational institutions, NGOs, and businesses to offer scholarships, internships, apprenticeships, or job-readiness programmes to the youth as an alternative to joining gangs.

Community Engagement and Outreach: The Museum service provides educational programmes and various community outreach programmes to creating platforms for dialogue, community engagement, identity formation and a sense of belonging. The department organize workshops, seminars, and forums to address the root causes of gang involvement and to raise awareness about available resources and support systems.

6 (1) (b)             The Department does not have specific APP targets that relate to anti-gang activities and as a result it is not possible to quantify an exact amount for this purpose.  However, the DCAS is in a position to provide what funds are allocated to programmes that contribute to curb social ills such as anti-gang related activities:





2023/24 (000)

2024/25 (000)

2025/26 (000)

PAY interns

1 548

1 571

1 951

Arts and Culture transfers to NGO's

19 009

19 199

20 543

Museums transfers to province-aided museums

21 203

14 946

16 005

Library book budget

23 174

26 993

24 113

Libraries transfers to municipalities

286 653

292 515

305 853

Development of sport facilities (transfers to municipalities

2 139

2 171

2 269

Transfers to Sport federations

31 512

32 370

27 196

Club development programme

13 925

14 528

15 171

MOD programme

36 532

37 363

39 816

Youth programme

45 280

45 217

46 349


480 975

486 873

499 266






(2)                   Apart from the various programmes and projects listed par 6 (1) (a) above these programmes and projects will continue if funding for it continues as it is funded from various sources. Some of the programmes and projects might be changed or replaced if it is found to be not effective or the mandate and approach to anti-social and gang related ills change as strategies change.


Thursday, June 15, 2023