Police Oversight and Community Safety

Question by: 
Hon Gillion Bosman
Answered by: 
Hon Reagen Allen
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

With reference to the briefing delivered by the SAPS to the National Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment on 7 March 2023 by Major General AB Maqashalala, entitled “Organised land invasion at Knoflokskraal, Grabouw, Western Cape”:

  1. What update can he provide on enquiry 1/09/2022 (as referred to on slide 7 of the presentation that accompanied the briefing referenced above);
  1. whether any of the persons involved has been arrested; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. why did the SAPS claim not to have record of the referenced case number when it is clearly referred to in the aforementioned presentation?
Answer Body: 

The reply of the South African Police Service (SAPS):

6.      (1)   Enquiry 1/09/2022 is currently under investigation and therefore release of information may compromise the investigation.

         (2)   Not applicable as per above response.

         (3)   Clarity had been requested to verify the case number as the initial question had referenced “case 1/09/2022 lodged at the Grabouw police station”, which would indicate a criminal case being investigated by Grabouw police station detectives; the initial question did not reference a presentation. Post facto it was determined that Enquiry 1/09/2022 is an investigation enquiry to determine criminal conduct, which is investigated by Provincial detectives.

Friday, July 28, 2023