
Question by: 
Hon Cameron Dugmore
Answered by: 
Hon Alan Winde
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

In respect of his visit to the United States to discuss the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), as well as his recent participation in a session of virtual hearings of US Agoa Implementation Subcommittee:

Whether his  visit to the United States and participation in the virtual session of the US Agoa Implementation Subcommittee were sanctioned by the national government or done with its approval, if not;


(a) what are the details of all the (i) meetings he held and (ii) persons and (iii) sub-committees he met and (b) what was discussed at each meeting?

whether he can provide (a) a detailed list of (i) Cabinet members and (ii) government officials who formed part of his delegation and (b) information about their respective roles in the visit per person;

what is the detailed cost breakdown for his participation in the virtual session of the US Agoa Implementation Subcommittee;

what is the detailed cost breakdown for his visit to the US, including (a) travel, (b) accommodation and (c) any other expenses;

whether this was in contravention of the constitutional principles of intergovern-mental relations; if not, which legislation allowed him to conduct discussions on international trade relations between governments; if so, what are the relevant details;

Answer Body: 
  1. The visit was conducted in consultation with National Government, as is the norm with international visits undertaken by the Province.  These included preparatory discussions with DIRCO and our missions in Washington and New York, as well as physical briefing meetings during the visit.  Discussions were also held with Minister Patel prior to the visit. Kindly find attached letter to DIRCO.

Bearing in mind the response to question 1, the visit to the USA was not in contravention of the constitutional principles of intergovernmental relations.  Extensive interaction with national government regarding the visit proceeded throughout the planning and execution of the visit..  Furthermore, trade, tourism, industrial promotion and agriculture are areas of concurrent national and provincial legislative competence (Section 125(2) of the Constitution). As such, the Western Cape Government plays a crucial role in facilitating trade, attracting investment and supporting industries within the Western Cape. 

Many Western Cape exporters will be negatively impacted should SA be excluded from AGOA going forward, or should the               AGOA programme not be extended beyond the 2025 expiration date.  Almost 70% of the Western Cape’s top 20 goods               exports to the USA in 2022 were AGOA-eligible, with agricultural products and food and beverages ranking among the major               beneficiaries.  In agriculture in particular, the Western Cape is at risk of higher impacts than the rest of South Africa from the               loss of AGOA benefits. According to research by the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP), on average, the Western               Cape’s economic losses due to higher tariffs would be twice the magnitude of South Africa’s. As such, South Africa’s                      continued inclusion in AGOA is of strategic significance when it comes to export support and development in the Western   Cape and it is important for US officials tasked with making decisions about AGOA and assessing its usage and success to be     fully aware of the positive impacts of the legislation. 

Lastly, it should be noted that the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is a US law which grants trade preferences to qualifying sub-Saharan African countries.  Discussions as such focused on a piece of US legislation, its positive impact on the economy of the Western Cape, and the negative effect it could have on the provincial economy should SA be excluded from AGOA and not on international trade relations per se.  

The total costs for the trip were R1 667 075.89, including Travel costs (R 979 632.78), accommodation costs of

R535 885 and other costs at R151 558.11 for all six individuals.

The were no costs implications as the session was virtual.

Please see delegation list below.

Please see the details of the meetings held below.







Minister for Finance and Economic Opportunities (Cabinet member)

Lead for Economic Development in the province



The Director-General (Official)

Strategic support and WCG coordination of Provincial Strategic priorities 


HOD:  Economic Development and Tourism (Official)

Strategic support re Economic Development and Tourism


Media Liaison Officer (Premier) (Official)

Support re media related matters and queries


Protocol Officer (DotP) (Official)

Logistical and protocol support


Acting Director:  International Relations (Official)

Strategic support re the province’s international relations









Discussion points


Staff:  Senate foreign relations committee members

  • Mr J Tomaszewski
  • Ms E Lewis
  • Mr J Allman-Gulino
  • Mr S Stack
  • Ms K Hunter
  • Mr G Haasbroek (SA Embassy Staff)
  • Trade relations between the WC and the USA
  • AGOA related matters, including the impact on the WC economy if SA should be excluded from AGOA, continued discussions including with the Embassy in Washington, beneficiaries of AGOA, etc.

Committee on Ways and Means and the AGOA Civil Society Network (ACSN)

  • Mr J Snead
  • Ms A Whittaker
  • Dr W Smith
  • Mr T Allen
  • Ms T Tome

Mr G Haasbroek (SA Embassy Staff)

  • Closer ties between the WC and the ACSN
  • Energy security
  • AGOA including renewal process, beneficiaries, impact on the WC economy if SA is excluded, etc.
  • US-SA Business linkages, including importance of the USA for the WC as a destination

Office of The US Trade Representative (USTR)

  • Ms C Hamilton
  • Mr R Telchin
  • Closer collaboration with the office of the USTR

Staff: House Foreign Relations Committee

  • Mr J Foltz
  • Mr M Levine
  • Mr C Kulukundis
  • Ms A Davis
  • Ms S Jones
  • Mr T Brown
  • Ms A Griffin
  • Ms L Hamilton
  • Mr Y Zamar
  • Mr J Rueda
  • Mr G Haasbroek (SA Embassy Staff)
  • AGOA related matters, including renewal, etc.
  • Energy security and the Energy plan
  •  Upcoming visit by the House to SA





Staff: Senator Coons

  • Ms E O’Bagy
  • Mr G Haasbroek (SA Embassy Staff)
  • AGOA related matters, including the process of and timeframe of reauthorisation, impact of SA’s exclusion on the WC, trade relations, need for continued discussions, etc.
  • Energy crisis and climate change, including developments in the renewable energy sector in the province.



Friday, July 28, 2023
Supporting Docs: 