
Question by: 
Hon Khalid Sayed
Answered by: 
Hon David Maynier
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

With regard to the grievances raised with the WCED by the Principal of the Hexvallei Secondary School:

  1. (a) When did his Department first receive the grievances from the Principal and (b) what are the details of all the action steps taken to respond to and address the matters raised;

with regard to an email from a certain person, whose name has been furnished to his Department for the purpose of his reply, to a second certain person, whose name has also been furnished to his Department for the purpose of his reply, wherein she threatened that drastic actions would follow and that he will face consequences for “sending an email in his professional capacity on matters of the WCED without WCED approval, or insight”, (a)(i) what drastic actions will his Department take against the second certain person, whose name has been furnished to his Department for the purpose of his reply, and (ii) under which circumstances will these actions be taken and (b) what measures are in place to protect principals against intimidation and purging from WCED officials in circuits, districts and at the head office?

Answer Body: 

27.     My department has informed me of the following:

          (1)     (a)    June 2022

(b)    The Cape Winelands Education District responded to the allegations in June and July 2022.

          The Circuit Manager advised that the complaint was a Governing Body matter and should be dealt with by the Governing Body.

                  (a)    (i)    Progressive disciplinary measures will be followed.

(ii)    Under the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) policies.

(b)    Any employee can lodge a grievance against any person(s) in the WCED should they feel they are being victimised or intimidated.

          It is also the right of the employer to investigate grievances lodged by employees against other employees.

          The WCED works within the prescripts of the law, and we expect our employees to do the same.

Friday, May 5, 2023