
Question by: 
Hon Khalid Sayed
Answered by: 
Hon David Maynier
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

With regard to the Back on Track Programme that was recently launched by the Western Cape Education Department and the amount of R1,2 billion that will be spent on the programme over the next three years:

    1. What is the detailed breakdown of (i) this amount per year and (ii) the expenditure items involved in the programme, (b) what is the number of (i) learners, (ii) teachers and (iii) schools that will benefit from the programme and (c) how much will the expenditure be on each of these in (b) above?
Answer Body: 

My Department has informed me:

7.       (a)    (i)      The budget breakdown per year is as follows:






Budget allocation over the MTEF

MTEF Budget

R379 148 000

R385 099 000

R397 325 000

R1 161 572

(ii)     Learner tutoring, nutrition, transport, and resourcing costs; Back on Track camp costs; teacher training and transport costs; catering and venue hire.


  1. In 2023, approximately 310 000 Foundation Phase learners and over 15 000 learners across Grades 4, 7, 8, 10 and 12.
  2. In 2023, the WCED is targeting approximately 5 200 Foundation Phase teachers and over 5 000 teachers across Grades 4, 7, 8, 10 and 12.
  3. 1 100 schools in Foundation Phase and 333 schools across Grades 4, 7, 8 ,10 and 12.


(c)       Information is only for the 2023/24 year.


  1. Learners



FP Teacher guides


R10 000 000


FP Teacher training


R4 500 000


FP Learner resources

R96 500 500



HS Improvement Plan

R16 000 000



Grade 10

Maths Resources

                   R53 400 000


1+9 CPD


R12 000 000


Operational fees



R11 300 000

BoT camps

R32 845 500



Tutoring (Gr 4,7,8 and 10 Maths)

R68 602 000



Gr 10 Tutoring

R21 500 000



Gr 12 Tutoring

R13 500 000



Gr 12 camps

R29 200 000



Violence prevention programmes

R2 000 000



@homelearning programmes

R5 000 000



Maths extension programme – West Coast

R2 800 000




Friday, June 2, 2023