
Question by: 
Hon Moses Klaas
Answered by: 
Hon David Maynier
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

With regard to the Second Chance Matriculants, that is those matric learners who either failed or obtained low marks in certain subjects and then enrolled to rewrite examinations in those certain subjects:

What is the breakdown per race of the leaners who rewrote these examinations and got the same results as in their previous examinations, (b) how often does it happen that the same learner will get the same results as in the previous examination for all the subjects in which he/she rewrote the examination and (c) which racial group is mostly affected by this?

Answer Body: 

My department has informed me of the following:


          (a)    The registration and resulting for each examination is recorded separately on the exam mainframe, under the exam month and year.  For example, learner results for the June 2023 National Senior Certificate examinations, will be separate from the 2022 November learner results.                    

                   For each exam learners are issued a unique examination number for each sitting.

                   It is therefore not possible for the results from different examination sittings to be erroneously duplicated.

                   In order to compare the specific results of learners across different examination sittings the details of the learners (Exam type, ID number and exam years) are required.

                   Note that learners who wrote the NSC/SC June 2023 examination may have written the NSC examination in any year from 2008 to 2022.


  1. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) does not have these statistics as each examination is resulted and recorded separately on the examinations mainframe.

The learners result for a subject is reflected as a percentage; therefore it is possible for the learner to receive the same percentage in a different examination sitting, however, the written paper marks may differ between exam sittings. A learner’s result is a calculation of the written paper marks + the school-based assessment mark.  

  1. The WCED does not have these statistics.


Friday, September 22, 2023