Police Oversight and Community Safety

Question by: 
Hon Aishah Cassiem
Answered by: 
Hon Reagen Allen
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

(a)   How many Law Enforcement Advancement Plan (LEAP) officers have been assigned to (i) Manenberg and (ii) Wesbank since the beginning of 2023, (b) what is the total number of crime scenes that they have intervened in and brought to the attention of members of the South African Police Service and (c) how many police dockets were opened as a result?

Answer Body: 

(a)    (i)    Manenberg: 84 LEAP members from the Reaction Unit are deployed.

(ii)  Wesbank: Wesbank forms part of the Mfuleni SAPS precinct. 77 LEAP members are deployed in Mfuleni. There are no dedicated deployments for Wesbank only.         

         (b)   (i)   Manenberg: 1120 crime scenes were attended.

                 (ii) The statistics for Wesbank is not kept separate, but in total 3050 crime scenes for Mfuleni were attended.

         (c)   (i)   Manenberg: 685 police dockets were opened.

                 (ii) Mfuleni: 1148 police dockets were opened.

                   It is important to note that LEAP officers are strategically deployed, and their operations are based on evidence and data. This approach is also used as part of monitoring and evaluation to determine the effectiveness of LEAP and inform a cycle of continuous improvement. LEAP officers work with a multitude of law enforcement agencies which is inclusive of other City of Cape Town Law Enforcement agencies, the South African Police Service (SAPS), Neighbourhood Watches (NHWs), Community Policing Forums (CPFs) and various other stakeholders.

Friday, September 22, 2023