Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

Question by: 
Hon Pat Marran
Answered by: 
Hon Anton Bredell
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

In respect of the ongoing water crisis in the Matzikama Municipality:

  1. (a) What is the current population living in the municipal area and (b) how many people is the water distribution network designed to cater for;
  1. whether the newly installed pumps are operating at full capacity; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. whether reports that the lower parts of Vredendal and Vanrhynsdorp, predominantly white areas, have not experienced water shortages, while predominantly black areas face severe water shortages have been bought to his attention; if so, (a) what are the reason for this apparent disparity in water distribution and (b) what actions have been taken to rectify it and to ensure equitable access to water for all residents;
  1. in the light of the current water crisis and the need for a temporary pipeline, whether he and his Department have plans to order the Lower Olifants River Water User Association (Lorwua) to postpone its maintenance work until the extra pipeline has been installed to avoid prolonged water shortages in the Municipality; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what alternatives should the Municipality explore to prevent such a situation in the future;
  1. whether his Department has plans to hold the Municipality to account for its handling of the water crisis and its commitment to ensuring equitable access to water for all residents; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


Answer Body: 

(1) (a) The current population for Vredendal & Van Rhynsdorp as per WSDP December 2022 are as follows:

(b) With reference to (a) above, the planned Regional Water Supply Scheme when overall completed, will provide sufficient water supply to the above stated population figures.

Additional wellfield development initiatives, especially the development of the existing underlining aquifer at Van Rhynsdorp, would provide an additional water supply resource for the specific region.  Preliminary exploration work completed by geo-hydrologists confirmed a good potential of high-quality underground water to be found in the specific area around Van Rhynsdorp.

(2) The two (2) existing refurbished pump sets of the Vredendal-Van Rhynsdorp Regional scheme are currently operating at full capacity with pump rates of between 760 - 800 m³/h.


The new 500mm ND rising main currently funded by DWS (WSIG funding) and installed under project Phase1, together with the planned new pumpstation under Phase 2; will deliver an adequate water supply of approximately 1260 m³/h. The planned completion of the above-mentioned two (2) phases are scheduled for 26 October 2023.

Additional funding submission to the Depatment of Water & Sanitation (DWS) through the utilisation of possible Water Services Infrastructure Grant (WSIG Grant) funding, has also been submitted in June 2023 for implementation over forthcoming three (3) financial years: FY24-25, FY25-26, FY26-27.  If approved by DWS, a proposed new Raw Water Pumpstation at Vredendal (adjacent and near the existing Raw Water Canal Pump Station) as well as the refurbishment of existing water supply pumpstations to Vredendal-North and Van Rhynsdorp, would be implemented.

(3) (a) There is no disparity in water distribution and never was a disparity within the communities of Vredendal and Van Rhynsdorp.


With the current situation of unforeseen damages caused by the ad-hoc flood within June 2023; Van Rhynsdorp was left without water for a short period of time; however, the Matzikama Municipality assisted the local community with drinking water via water tankers and external commercial companies like Coca-Cola etc.


(b) Given the topography of Van Rhynsdorp, the lower lying areas will always receive water first, have a higher static water pressure.  It is a current misperception that unequal water distribution is taking place.


In respect to the raw water storage not being sufficient at the given time when the canal supplied water again (during wintertime April 2023 to September 2023); there is a limited time period of some 5-6 days for raw water to be pumped from the LORWUA canal followed by a two-week period of no water - while LORWUA is busy with scheduled / periodic maintenance.


Unforeseen and unfortunate pipe breaks caused short delays in the normal water supply to Vredendal-North.  Calibration and fixing of existing pumps at the existing raw water pumpstation located at Vredendal (adjacent to the existing LORWUA canal) were repaired by the Municipality.


In addition to the above, an Emergency Water Supply Strategy was developed (early in Sept 2023) and adopted to secure future water supply to all communities, in conjunction with the existing LORWUA and Matzikama Municipality’s water supply agreement.


(4) (a) The Municipality is scheduled to meet with Dept of Water & Sanitation (DWS), LORWUA within September 2023; to discuss:

  • activities linked the current periodic LORWUA maintenance plan (implemented each year from May to September)
  • possible amendments to the current LORWUA canal “scheduled maintenance shut-off” and associated raw water supply – canal extraction periods
  • possible review / amendment of the existing water supply agreement between Matzikama Municipality and LORWUA


The conclusion of the above items, as well as completion of the current 500 mm ND rising main at the Vredendal Raw Water Pumpstation, and future planning in relation to the proposed additional Vredendal Raw Water Pump Station; would mitigate any possible future risk in terms of disrupted water supply to residents / commercial business within the area of the Matzikama Municipality.

(b) No alternatives, the planned (total) upgrading of the Vredendal raw water pump station and new 500 mm ND rising main, were done in conjunction with DWS, MISA and DLG.


(5) The Department of Local Government (DLG), the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), LORWUA as well as external & commercial stakeholders; are jointly working together (daily) to secure adequate water supply to the Matzikama Municipality area.


In addition to the above; DLG is also assisting the Matzikama Municipality with additional support: outlined and managed in line within an existing and approved Municipal Support Plan and associated Emergency Matzikama Water Supply Plan (period 05 Sept 2023 to 19 Sept 2023); to secure adequate water supply to all residents, providing technical support and financial assistance (if available, e.g. DLG: Water Resilience Grants: 2023/24) where applicable.




Friday, September 8, 2023