Police Oversight and Community Safety

Question by: 
Hon Gillion Bosman
Answered by: 
Hon Reagen Allen
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

(a)   What measures does the South African Police Service take to recruit criminal informants and (b) how many informants were recruited at each of the Western Cape’s police stations in (i) 2020, (ii) 2021, (iii) 2022 and (iv) 2023 to date?

Answer Body: 

(a)    The measures and methodology utilised by the South African Police Service to recruit informants may not be disclosed so not to compromise and expose the organisations, nor place its employees at risk. The South African Police Service, Western Cape regulates the recruitment and registration in terms of National Instruction 1/2021.

         (b)   Due to the sensitive nature surrounding informants, exact figures cannot be provided.

Friday, October 6, 2023