Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

Question by: 
Hon Isaac Sileku
Answered by: 
Hon Anton Bredell
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

With regard to water quality:

(a) What is the quality of the drinking water in (i) Kannaland, (ii) Beaufort West and (iii) Laingsburg,

(b) which viruses have been detected in the water tests conducted in each town,

(c) what has led to the poor water quality in each town, and

(d)(i) what steps have been taken to improve the water quality and (ii) how much has been spent?

Answer Body: 

(a)(i) According to the recent Blue Drop Watch Report for drinking water (June 2023), published by the National Department of Water and Sanitation, the drinking water microbiological compliance for Kannaland Municipality received a ‘bad status’ (92.31%), whereas the chemical compliance received an ‘excellent status’ (99.9%).

(a) (ii) The quality of drinking water in Beaufort West Municipality is currently in compliance with SANS 241.  According to the recent Blue Drop Watch Report for drinking water (June 2023), published by the National Department of Water and Sanitation, both the drinking water microbiological compliance and the chemical compliance received an ‘excellent status’ (99.9% and 99.23% respectively).

(a) (iii) According to the recent Blue Drop Watch Report for drinking water (June 2023), published by the National Department of Water and Sanitation, the drinking water microbiological compliance in Laingsburg Municipality received a ‘poor status’ (95.65%), whereas the chemical compliance received a ‘good status’ (97.78%).

(b)(i) Coliform bacteria and E-coli have recently been detected in the drinking water of Calitzdorp in Kannaland Municipality.

(b)(ii) No viruses have recently been detected in the drinking water of any town in Beaufort West Municipality.

(b)(iii) E-coli was recently detected in the drinking water of Matjiesfontein in Laingsburg Municipality.

(c)(i) The poor quality of drinking water in Calitzdorp and Ladismith in Kannaland Municipality is largely due to a lack of technical capacity (including vacant critical director posts and water controller posts), a lack of proactive maintenance, and shortage of chemicals for the treatment of drinking water.  Other potential contributing factors include sewage outflow, repairs to pipelines, and insufficient treatment of water.

(c)(ii) The quality of drinking water in Beaufort West Municipality is currently of a good quality.

(c)(iii) The poor quality of drinking water in Matjiesfontein in Laingsburg Municipality is likely due to the contamination of boreholes (i.e. minerals), sewage outflow, repairs to pipelines, and insufficient treatment of water.

(d)(i)(1) Kannaland Municipality has introduced and started conducting its own operational quality monitoring with testing kits received from the Department of Local Government (DLG).  The municipality is also proactively managing the timely procurement of chemicals for treatment of drinking water.  DLG has also supported the municipality on various occasions in relation to water quality (e.g. Water Services Development Plans and Support Plans in 2017 and 2023, to assist the municipality in dealing with a variety of problems, including those relating to infrastructure and service delivery).

(d)(i)(2) Beaufort West Municipality conducts monthly Microbiological analysis at 12 sample points within Beaufort West, 2 in Nelspoort, 2 in Merweville and 2 in Murraysburg as per the SANS 241 regulations. The analysis is done by an independent laboratory (Integral Laboratories).  Beaufort West Municipality is in the process of compiling a technical report for the upgrading of the Nelspoort treatment facility.  Monitoring plans for the Municipality have also been put in place by the District Municipal Health Services and have been costed and implemented for the monitoring of drinking water.  Accredited laboratories are used for the analysis of water samples, in order to ensure credible results, and the sampling techniques utilized are in line with guidelines.  When/ if a sample does not comply, the person in charge of the relevant institution / premises is notified, in order to take the necessary steps to rectify the problem.  Water Quality Evaluation Reports are also sent to Beaufort West Municipality on a bi-annual basis, which serves as a source of information, promotes access to safe potable water, and promotes continuous and effective water quality management.

(d)(i) (3) Laingsburg Municipality has subsequently cleaned the reservoir in Matjiesfontein, and have rotated the sampling points, and immediately conducted public awareness campaigns (e.g. boiling water and utilizing detergent for cleansing water) when the water quality tests indicated a drop in quality.  Monitoring plans for the Municipality have also been put in place by the District Municipal Health Services and have been costed and implemented for the monitoring of drinking water.  Accredited laboratories are used for the analysis of water samples, in order to ensure credible results, and the sampling techniques utilized are in line with guidelines.  When/ if a sample does not comply, the person in charge of the relevant institution / premises is notified, in order to take the necessary steps to rectify the problem.  Water Quality Evaluation Reports are also sent to Laingsburg Municipality on a bi-annual basis, which serves as a source of information, promotes access to safe potable water, and promotes continuous and effective water quality management.

(d)(ii)(1) Kannaland Municipality spent R306 000 on water quality (Blue Drop) testing kits during the 2022/23 Financial Year.

(d)(ii)(3) Laingsburg Municipality spent R10 000.00 (once-off) on chemicals and labour in Matjiesfontein in the current financial year (2023/24).



Friday, October 20, 2023