Social Development

Question by: 
Hon Daniel Plato
Answered by: 
Hon Sharna Fernandez
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

With regard to delayed Sassa payments:

  1. Whether her Department has received any complaints with regard to the current grants crisis; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. what assistance or guidance is her Department receiving from the national Depart-ment of Social Development for the provision of relief to beneficiaries in the light of delayed grant payments?
Answer Body: 

With regard to delayed Sassa payments:

  1. Whether her Department has received any complaints with regard to the current grants crisis; if so, what are the relevant details;

My office has been inundated with complaints from the public ranging from delayed payments, not receiving any payments or only receiving a portion of the payment, once payment was received. The complaints often also provided the details of the impact of these challenges on the daily lives of grant recipients (i.e. no money for food, electricity and transport).

  1. what assistance or guidance is her Department receiving from the national Department of Social Development for the provision of relief to beneficiaries in the light of delayed grant payments?

We did not receive any assistance from National DSD. In terms of guidance, SASSA’s regional executive sent us the press releases that were issued explaining the payment “glitch”.

Friday, September 22, 2023