
Question by: 
Hon Andricus van der Westhuizen
Answered by: 
Hon Ivan Meyer
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

With regard to the bird flu outbreak across the country:

  1. How many cases of bird flu have been reported in the province since the beginning of the outbreak in June, (b) what measures are in place to mitigate the effects of a possible extensive outbreak in the province, (c) how many chickens have had to be culled in the province to date, (d) what has been the effect of the outbreak on the provincial poultry sector and (e) which sphere of government is responsible for providing relief for such disasters?
Answer Body: 

(a) Seven outbreaks of H5 and a single outbreak of H7. 

  1. All affected properties were placed under quarantine, thus limiting movement to and from these properties. All infected birds were destroyed, infective and condemned material safely disposed of. An extensive awareness campaign was put in place alerting all concerned about prevailing Avian Influenza and its control measures. Veterinary services officials have been engaging with law enforcement officials providing information on what the task entails, and what must be put in place to ensure adherence to movement restriction measures. Publication of regulations governing livestock movement assisted in providing certainties, empowering police, and other law enforcement officials to intervene when transgressions where encountered.
  2.  1 398 757 (H5 infected) and 64 603 (H7 infected) birds.
  3. Farms are operating below their carrying capacity due to limited replacement pullets for egg layers. Most breeders are in the Northern Provinces and affected by H7.  The risk of bringing H7 into the Western Cape is high, especially with pullets as farmers begin restocking.   
  4. The National sphere of government.  The Animal Diseases Act (Act 35 of 1984) empowers the Director: Animal Health of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) to make decisions on matters pertaining to compensation.
Friday, November 3, 2023