
Question by: 
Hon Andricus van der Westhuizen
Answered by: 
Hon Ivan Meyer
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

(a)  What are the conditions that apply to the distribution of drought relief funds in instances where farmers are assisted through disaster funds allocated by the national Department of Agriculture, (b)(i) which role players are used and/or consulted in the distribution of drought relief to livestock farmers and (ii) how transparent is the allocation process and (c) to what extent does the (i) number and (ii) type of (aa) livestock and/or (bb) farms play a role in the determination of relief allocated to individual farmers?

Answer Body: 
  1. Proper mechanisms are in place to ensure that open and transparent processes are followed in the disbursement of fodder support to qualifying farmers. Moreover, the Western Cape Department of Agriculture (WCDoA) submits quantitative and qualitative reports to Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) via the Provincial Disaster Management Centre (PDMC), reporting on who received drought support. Monitoring and evaluation are completed in collaboration with representatives from DALRRD and the PDMC to demonstrate and verify that fodder-supported beneficiaries have received support as indicated in the reports.

b)  (i)    Officials from DALRRD, relevant sector departments, PDMC, District disaster management and representatives from organised agriculture are consulted.

     (ii)    The application process, forms and the standard operating procedure is on the Department’s website. Farmers who apply for drought support must meet the qualifying criteria in accordance with the National Disaster Scheme Framework of 2005. The report on veld conditions is based on the bi-annual veld assessments undertaken by departmental officials at both a technical as well as a scientific level. As such, the process is completely transparent.

c)   (i)  Number of livestock: The qualifying criterion is that farmers must farm within the carrying capacity of the farm. Farmers exceeding the carrying capacity of the farm are disqualified from receiving fodder support.

      (ii)  (aa) Type of livestock: As per the National Disaster Scheme Framework of 2005, Feedlots, Piggeries, Poultry, Ostriches and Game are classified under intensive livestock production and therefore insurance must be in place.  The above-mentioned categories does not receive drought support. Additionally, horses, ponies, donkeys and milk cows are excluded from receiving fodder support. 

(bb) Farms: The size of the farm is not a criterion, but rather the carrying capacity of the farm.

Friday, December 1, 2023