Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

Question by: 
Hon Andricus van der Westhuizen
Answered by: 
Hon Anton Bredell
Question Number: 
Question Body: 
  1. Whether there is a map overlay of the Western Cape showing when last the natural veld burned; if so, how can it be accessed;
  2. what is his Department’s policy on the deliberate burning of certain areas from ecological and risk-mitigation points of view? 
Answer Body: 
  1. Yes, a map overlay for the 828 970 hectares of natural areas that are managed by CapeNature in the Western Cape is available. CapeNature compiles an Annual Fire Report, indicating ignition points, fire frequency and veld ages for the previous year. The number of hectares burnt are also indicated. These infographics can be accessed on CapeNature’s website State of Conservation Report 2022 – CapeNature .  The related GIS software map data layers and the Annual Fire Report can be requested directly from CapeNature. 

Mapping of fires is not restricted to only CapeNature land and if a fire burns cross-boundary then it is mapped in its entirety. When determining hectares burnt for CapeNature’s records and the Annual Fire Report, land ownership is differentiated between Private land, CapeNature land and Private Mountain Catchment Areas. CapeNature does not map fires on private land unless the fire burned into CapeNature land.

  1. CapeNature’s position and policy on “controlled burns” (or “prescribed burns”) is that, where possible, and with risk mitigations considered, controlled burns may take place. These burns are based on sound knowledge of the potential ecological impact of the fire (i.e., veld age*) as well as the possibility of a runaway fire. CapeNature consults widely before implementing such burns and planning usually takes more than two years.

*Veld age in the context of fire return intervals, is a useful management indicator for maintaining biodiversity representation and persistence in fire-driven ecosystems such as fynbos. Veld ages at the time of fire are recorded. Veld age distributions could differ based on climatic conditions and the associated indigenous vegetation types.

Friday, December 1, 2023