
Question by: 
Hon Khalid Sayed
Answered by: 
Hon David Maynier
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

(1)     (a) How many learners are enrolled at the Elim MOR Primary School at the latest date for which information is available, (b) how many of these learners are transported to school by minibus taxis and (c) who pays for these minibus taxis;

(2)     whether there are any rules or regulation for the minibus taxis relating to the (a) time of arrival at the school, (b) waiting time at pickup points and (c) speed at which they travel; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

(3)     how many learners from Baardskeerdersbos are transported to school by minibus taxi;

(4)     whether a record is kept of how often learners who are transported by minibus taxi are late or absent from school; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

(5)     what are the details of absenteeism for learners from Baardskeerdersbos;

(6)     whether any learners from Baardskeerdersbos were absent from school on 17 November 2023; if so, (a) why were they absent, (b) did any of these learners miss any tests on 17 November 2023 and (c) how often have these learners been late or absent in the last six months;

(7)     whether there are any shelters for learners at the pickup points in Baardskeerdersbos; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

Answer Body: 

2.       My department has informed me of the following:

          (1)     (a)    177 learners.

(b)    62 learners are approved on the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Learner Transport Scheme (LTS).

(c)     The WCED.

(2)     (a)    Information and arrangements regarding the pick-up times at the different pick-up points were communicated to the contractors, taxi drivers, parents and learners. The measures and guidelines contained in the Standard Operational Procedure for LTS were communicated to taxi drivers.

(b)    Parents were informed and requested to ensure that learners are on time at the pick-up points as communicated during parent meetings during the term. If a taxi driver is late to pick up learners, the contractor and district office is immediately notified for immediate follow-up and action.

(c)     Taxi drivers were instructed by their contractor to operate within the official speed limits and to strictly observe traffic rules. Bus prefects are tasked to report any incident for the attention of the principal upon arrival at the school. Unannounced route inspections are undertaken by district officials.

(3)     4 learners

(4)     The school keeps record of late coming and learner absenteeism by the completion of daily attendance registers and the daily feedback from bus prefects.

(5)     16 learners from Baardskeerdersbos were recorded as having been absent on occasion in 2023, for varying lengths of time.

(6)     3 learners were absent.

  1. The parents did not notify the school of the reasons for their children being absent that day.
  2. No – the learners are in the Foundation Phase and there is continuous assessment.
  3. There has been sporadic absenteeism by the 3 learners in the last six months:

Learner 1 – 36 days

Learner 2 – 17 days

Learner 3 – 33 days

  1. Their continued absenteeism has been followed up with the parents.

(7)     There are no shelters. The school has not received any complaints regarding the lack of shelter or other complaints regarding the pick-up points.

Friday, January 26, 2024