The Western Cape Provincial Parliament (WCPP) periodically publishes a summary of its expenditure for public information. This is done not only from a legal compliance point of view (see sections 7(a) and 35(1)(b) of the Financial Management of Provincial Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act (Act no 10 of 2009) (FMPPLA), but also in the interests of ensuring that its resources are used effectively, efficiently, economically and transparently.

In doing so we are promoting and maintaining a high standard of professional ethics in the management of our finances, and ensuring that we are transparent, accountable and that we are practicing sound management of our revenue and expenditure, as well as our assets and liabilities.

The WCPP is constantly striving to promote high levels of accountability and transparency in the conduct of our employees and the Members of the Provincial Parliament; and we aspire to grow public confidence in the way we manage the public funds committed to us.

While the WCPP publishes its audited financial statements every year (available in our annual reports on this website), the regular publication of, among others, the following information, illustrates our commitment to transparency and public scrutiny:

  • allowances claimed or stipends received by our senior management team
  • allowances or claims received by our employees
  • audited annual financial statements pertaining to the secretarial and constituency allowances of the political parties represented in the WCPP, and
  • enabling allowance claims of the Members of the Provincial Parliament.

Allowances are provided to employees and Members of the Provincial Parliament for expenses incurred while carrying out their duties, with specific conditions as provided for in the relevant policies. Publishing this summary of expenditure aims to provide a tool to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of public funds in the form of allowances.

