
Question by: 
Hon Ferlon Christians
Answered by: 
Hon David Maynier
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

4.       With regard to the budget shortfall of R3,8 billion over the next three years:

What (a) impact will this shortfall have on the building of much-needed schools and classrooms and (b) plans will his Department put in place to mitigate this impact on teacher employment over the three-year term?

Answer Body: 

4.        (a)        Our department has a budget shortfall of R3.8 billion over the 3-year Medium Term Expenditure Framework. This contributed towards our decision to reduce the number of teaching posts in our schools by 2 407.

To ensure that the reduction in the number of posts was not higher, we imposed R2.5 billion in non-personnel budget cuts across the board, including on administration, curriculum and infrastructure.

The infrastructure budget for 2024/2025 was cut by R441.6 million to contribute towards saving teaching posts.

Despite these cuts to our budget, the department still has a residual budget shortfall for 2024/25.

This shortfall will have to be covered via reprioritisation during the 2024/25 adjustment budget process.

The department is currently considering its options which could impact our infrastructure delivery plan further, and once this has been finalised it will be communicated.

(b)         Circuit managers and districts are working closely with schools to implement the reduction in posts, taking into account the specific curriculum priorities at each school.

Our curriculum coordinators and subject advisors are also on standby to assist schools that need additional help with reorganizing their timetable for the new year.

I want to give the honorable member the assurance that I am doing everything in my power to mobilise additional resources for education, and to fight for our teachers in the Western Cape.

Thursday, November 7, 2024