
Answered by: 
Hon Isaac Sileku
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

Question by Hon Constable.

  1. Whether his department has initiated any investigation into a certain person, whose name has been furnished to his department for the purpose of his reply, who is benefiting from limited bids awarded to a certain company, whose name has been furnished to his department; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  2. whether his Department has taken any steps to audit limited bids awarded to mobility service providers to ensure no conflicts of interest exist between his Department and private companies?
Answer Body: 

(1) All allegations pertaining to any irregularity with regard to bids are referred to Provincial Forensic Services (PFS) for further investigation.  As a normal process, PFS provides monthly feedback on the status of investigations until completion. No confirmation of irregularities has been received to date on the specific matter, as the investigation is still ongoing.

  1.  The internal control processes which the Department must curb potential conflict of interest between officials and service providers, is as follows:  
  • Policy on Other Remunerative Work Outside the Public Service (RWOPS) and associated applications – should an official wish to undertake remunerative work outside the public service, they are mandated to submit such an application.
  • Disclosure of financial interest by officials that form part of the MMS and SMS level as well as all officials who directly work with bids and procurement matters.  The latter is a prescribed process issued by the DPSA.
  • Declarations of interest during the procurement processes
Thursday, November 14, 2024