Question by Hon Minnen.
Whether he can provide insight into the success of the Mobile e-Centre and how it connects people in rural areas to the rest of the country?
- Success of the Mobile eCentre
Since the launch of the Mobile eCentre in April 2024 in Pacaltsdorp, the Mobile eCentre has served 16 municipalities all over the Western Cape in the folowing manner:
- Regular Mobile eCentre visits (Community Outreach)
- Disaster Management Assistance - servede as an Operational Centre in George Building Disaster
- Thusong outreaches
- Municipal Outreaches including Youth Outreach in Kannaland area
Municipalities and areas visited since April 2024
- Bergrivier Municipality (Porterville, Redelinghuys, Wittewater, Aurora, Goedverwacht)
- Breede Valley Municipality (Rawsonville, Touwsriver)
- Cederberg Municipality (Citrusdal) Thusong Outreach
- Drakenstein Municipality (Hermon, Saron, Gouda)
- George Municipality (Pacaltsdorp; George Central)
- Hessequa Municipality (Albertinia, Gouritsmond)
- Kannaland Municipality (Ladismith, Zoar, Van Zyl’s Damme, Calitzdorp) Outreach
- Knysna Municipality (Karatara, Smutsville)
- Langeberg Municipality (Montagu, Bonnievale, Ashton, McGregor)
- Matzikama Municiplaity (Koekenaap, Lutzville, Nuwerus, Molsvlei)
- Oudtshoorn Municipality (De Rust)
- Overberg Municipality (Hermanus, Kleinmond, Stanford, Gansbaai)
- Theewaterskloof Municipality (Riviersonderend, Villiersdorp, Caledon)
- Swartland Municipality (Abbotsdale, Kalbaskraal, Darling, Malmesbury, Moorreesburg)
- Swellendam Municipality (Swellendam, Railton)
- Witzenberg Municipality (Prince Alfred Hamlet, Wolseley - Pine Valley)
- How it connects people in rural areas to the rest of the country.
During visits to the different areas, the WCG experienced the needs of the respective communities for our services, namely: free ICT access to the internet (connecting them to the rest of the country and world) and free ICT skills.
Rural communities connect to the rest of the country in the following manner, namely:
- Doing research for various purposes i.e. school children and the youth for educational tasks
- Online applications
- WCG Departments-Jobs
- Home Affairs
- Department of Labour
- Learnerships
- E-Skills training (Non-Accredited Basic ICT and e-learner accredited training) which were also provided.