Health and Wellness
Whether her Department plans to freeze or reduce any staff posts due to the financial implications of the cost-of-living wage agreement; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what (i) is the detailed breakdown of the specific positions affected, (ii) is the rationale behind these decisions, (iii) are the names of facilities to be affected, (iv) is the number of staff to be reduced and (v) is the anticipated impact on service delivery?
- The Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness implemented stringent controls regarding the filling of posts through cost containment measures from 01 November 2023.
The department utilises an Approved Post List (APL) - a financial tool developed to allocate budgets effectively based on staffing needs and to monitor expenditure on Compensation of Employees.
The department’s effective financial management has reached a stage where posts can now be filled within the APL framework.
Provision has been made for the cost-of-living adjustment effective from 01 April 2024 as part of the APL process, with further provision planned for the adjustment effective from 01 April 2025.
The department will continue filling posts within the APL process and does not anticipate any further reduction in staff numbers.
(b)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v) N/a